Christmas Eve was fun. Friends came over to eat chili and frost cookies. It was fun for the kids to play and fun for us to enjoy some egg nog, and a nice fire!!! Mo was so excited last night, she had a hard time going to sleep.....but finally, she gave up the fight. Scout and I spent the next several hours wrapping presents and putting them under the tree.
Christmas day started with Mo crawling into bed with us, and snuggling in. We got up and went downstairs, Mo was so excited about all the loot under the tree and in her stocking. She was very careful to open each present and them to play with it for a few minutes before moving on to the next one. With each new present, she would just smile and say...."Thank you, Santa!"
The favorite toys of the day were the barbie and barbie clothes, she got a new baby that also came with clothes....she loves to dress them up. She also got this cake decorating kit....which she loves....we had lots of birthday parties today.
Scout got several things for she was very happy with her gifts. I got many wonderful things that I wanted, including a Wii Fit. Which, I had asked Santa I am excited to try that out!
We tried to make a special meal for Christmas Dinner.....Scout made this fantastic Prime Rib.....really yummy. I made Potatoes au Gratin (which was undercooked)....and creamed spinach (which was really bad), we will have to work on our menu a little for next year.
Overall, a wonderful holiday.