Sunday, February 15, 2009

Going to the Show

Last Thursday, my kindergarteners had an evening performance at school. It is program our music teacher has been working on for months. So, it was a BIG deal.

Because home and school are so far away, Mo and I hung out at and around school before the show instead of going home. We went to a friend's house for a playdate, we went to dinner, and then back to school for the show.

I was so proud of her. She did great at dinner - stayed in her seat....used her quiet voice, ate her food.....very nice meal. And at the show, she was very patient letting me do my 'teacher' thing. I was herding kids onto stage...taking care of coats, and last minute nerves.

The pay off for Mo was being at 'Mommy's School." She loves to coming to big school. I think she is sizing it up for when she is old enough. She loved the performance. She danced, clapped, laughed....and was mesmerized by the whole experience.

It was a long night, but one that was really fun.

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