Saturday, February 7, 2009

Grandma's Rule

Grandma's Rule

You must do what I want you to do before you can do what you want to do.

Mo has such 'certain' ideas about things, like not wearing clothes (naked or PJs are sooo much better)....or eating at the table (why, when running around is more fun).

So, today, we started a treasure (i.e. bribe) box at our house. We went the dollar store and picked up a bunch of small animals, rings, spinning tops.....all kinds of party favors. Put them all in a pretty basket.....and introduced the idea that she will get a reward when she shows certain behavior. Right now, she can earn treasure if.....

1. She puts her clothes on the first time we ask.....and that she do as much as she can by herself. This includes shoes and socks.

2. She sits at the table for the entire meal.....even waiting until Mama and Mema are finished.

Lofty goals, but today she earned a treasure for dinner, and was super excited about the whole thing. We will see how tomorrow goes with getting dressed.

At first, I really questioned the whole "reward" thing. There is a part of me that wants Mo to have the self-motivation to want to do these things herself. But then I remind myself, she is 2 years old! She has to learn what motivation is.....and right now, the little Disney princess stamps are enough motivation for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this ... in fact, we're stealing the idea and going to the dollar store TODAY for potty training rewards!