Saturday, February 7, 2009

Who's your mema?

Children talk about their families......they ask questions....there are things they want to know. Do you have brothers and sisters? What's you mama's name? What's your daddy's name?

We talk to Mo about her family....we talk about her having 2 mommies as a matter of fact. It is just something that is part of our daily life conversation. In books that have the word 'Mommy" in them, we will interchange "Mema" for "Mommy". We do this so Mo can see her family, her life represented in other places besides just in her house.

So the fact of her having 2 moms has come up.....she was asking questions about some of her friend's families......What is S's mommy name? What is S's Daddy's name? What is S's Mema's name?

We told her that her friend didn't have a Mema....Mo was incredulous....she just couldn't get over that a child wouldn't have a Mema......"why?" she wanted to know. We then gave the speech about families have different people in them.....2 moms, 2 dads, one of each, 1 mom, 1 dad, and so on, so on, so on.

When the whole conversation was finished....she seemed content.

Then she says to her self......."No, Mema....." as if this was the strangest concept of could anyone not have a Mema?

......from the mouths of babes......

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