Wednesday, June 3, 2009

House Update

We had the inspection on our house yesterday, and apparently it went fine. A few minor things were found (which we expected) we just have to get the report and negotiate what to fix.

We have gone out looking at houses once, and are back at it tomorrow afternoon. We didn't find THE house, but we found some good options. That gives us hope that we will find the right house soon. Our goal is to find it before the 17th....we leave on vacation that day, and hope to have this house hunting business wrapped up.


Anonymous said...

Wrapped up by the 17th would be awesome!! Hoping the perfect place jumps out at you in the coming week!

(yay on the inspection!)

Mbdiamond said...

Wow... everything's moving so fast! Can't wait to see what you find... the 17th isn't that far off!