Monday, November 9, 2009

Losing Percy

Tonight, Mo and I were coming home, she had fallen asleep in the car. I was trying to carry her, and numerous other things into the house. Apparently, I didn't make sure the gate was closed. The dogs saw this as a golden opportunity to explore the neighborhood.

Now, I have posted before about our dogs (one got the looks, one got the smarts)....well, tonight perfectly illustrated this. Cricket and Percy headed out on their adventure. By the time we realized they were out, Cricket was back at the back door waiting for dinner. She was able to find her way home.

Percy is still not home. He couldn't find his way out of a paper bag. He got about a block away. Some very nice people took him in, and gave us a call. They were headed out, and we are going to get him later tonight. Percy, as I write this, is having a play date with a Boston Terrier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so glad someone found him and called ... no lesson learned for him though huh ... a play date :)