Tuesday, January 27, 2009

If your friends jumped off a bridge.....

One of my favorite things Mo says are "ja-jas" when she's talking about her PJs. She has always called them her ja-ja's...and it is really stinking cute.

Today on the way home....I said something about her ja-ja's.

Mo: Chloe (a girl at day care) says they are jammies.

Me: Why yes, some people call them that."

Mo: I call them jammies too.

Me: You can still call them ja-ja's. (I don't want to give this up)...

Mo: No, just jammies.....that's what Chloe says.

I know we are a long way off from Mo wearing inappropriate clothing to the mall, or putting on too much make-up to keep up with the "in" crowd. But, I thought Scout and I had some more time to be her main peeps. Nope, at this point, Chloe holds all the cards!!!! Parenting this child has to be the most humbling experience of my life!

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