Friday, October 1, 2010


Last night, we went to Parent Night at Mo's preschool. I have done tons of parent nights as a teacher....but I have never sat in the little chairs and listened to a parent night presentation for my own child!!! I was so excited to go, and nervous....

It went great. They explained what I thought they would talk, literacy, play, music.....talked about the vision of the school, and how Mo's daily schedule flows. It was very nice. I refrained from asking all the teacher-y questions I was DYING to ask. Scout said I only asked one silly question, which I felt was pretty good.

The reality check of the evening came when the teachers were talking about the kid's writing. They encourage the kids to "write" stories about their life. The teachers will also write down the stories that the children tell. They were recounting a story about a little boy and his mom on the way to yoga class and the funny thing that they saw.....

Mo's stories always (ALWAYS) revolve around going to Target and buying stuff.

Should I be worried that Target is worth recording in a story? I will think about it later, when we are on our way to Target.


ItsLiz said...

I think stories about Target are fabulous!!!! And I hope you share hers with us :)

Rhonda said...

Whenever I ask my students (3 years old) to share in group, EVERYONE talks about going to Chucky Cheese. I would welcome a Target story!