Saturday, August 9, 2008

Toddler Olympics

For the past month, Mo has been going to "Gym Dandies" at our local community center....basically, gymnastics for 2 years old. What a great way to meet other families in our neighborhood.......

Mo loves going....she loves jumping off things and landing on the mats. She is getting very good at the balance beam, and she is starting to do a mean somersault. She is very coordinated, and is fearless when it comes to climbing, jumping, swinging, etc....

The interesting thing about this class is not what the kids are doing, but what the parents are saying. Mo has always been a very physical kid. The other parents have definitely noticed....When Mo does something another child is not doing yet....this is what we hear....

"Well, she must be older than the other kids..." or "Well, of course she can do that, she's older"......(for the record, she is not.....)

We have heard this more than once, and from almost every parent in the class.

Today, as we walked into class with another family. We said hello and I commented on how cute his red overalls were......their response...."Oh, there's the athlete."

Do they think that she is really 3 and we put her in the 2 year old class as a ringer? Does it make them feel better to make comments like that? I am not sure.....but next time I think I will have to respond....

My kid is better than your kid!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just tell them all . . . it's in her genes.