Monday, August 11, 2008

Desperate Times

For those of you without should stop reading now, because you won't want one after this.....

Mo has been "exploring" during naptime. She likes to take off her clothes, and poop in the bed...and see what kind of artistic creations she can make. It is freakin'' frustrating!!!! It has happened almost every day for the past week....this results in a complete clothing change, bed change and sometimes even a bath!

Well, today.....I am OVER, for naptime....I put her in a pull-up, and then put on her pajamas BACKWARDS.....kind of like a baby is zipped up the back, so she can't get out and far, so good.....she is sleeping and still wearing the contraption.

It may not be my finest mama moment......but, you do what you have to.......


Mbdiamond said...

Smart! Good solution!

Shell said...

GREAT idea1 I need to do that with Landon I think he also likes to make artistic creations what suck is no washer and dryer in my apt so hand washing or takeing poopy stuff to the laundrymat ewwww

Anonymous said...

you are a smart mama

MamaDonna said...

Tell Sherry this is pay back for laughing when Steven "poopy-painted" his room. Hang in only gets more interesting