Monday, October 17, 2011

THe difference between #1 and #2

So, there are many differences in our parenting between our 2 kids....things we never did with Mo, we are doing now....and vice versa.....Overall, we are much more laid back with this new baby girl!

Case in point, today at the grocery store....I was checking out, and realized I had forgotten cottage cheese. I could have left the line, wheeled the cart (with the baby in it) to the dairy aisle and gotten the missing cottage cheese.....instead, I looked at the clerk, and said, I have to run get cottage cheese, can I just leave her here. She said yes, and off I went.

I left her with a total stranger (well, not so total, she has checked out our groceries before)....and what do you know...everything was fine!

Scout wasn't too down with it though.....

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