Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ready for Vegas.....

At daycare, Mo has been watching the older kids play Go Fish....she is fascinated with this game...and she loves to 'play' with us at home. She has her own system of naming each suit of cards.....

hearts = hearts
diamonds = diamonds
spades = other hearts
clubs = flowers

Face Cards = placemats

Jokers = bikes

We do a lot of passing cards back and forth...not a lot of matches are made, but the effort is there. So a typical game would sound something like this....

Us: "Do you have any hearts?"

Mo: "Noooo, do you have any placemats?"


Mbdiamond said...

She's so funny Robin... I love hearing what she's saying! lmao...

cherrie said...

simone is so cute with her wording and phrases!!!

Hope said...

That is soo cute..