Monday, October 13, 2008

Hair Cut

I never know what to do with Mo's hair. It is so baby fine, and straight....that it is hard to hold a ponytail or a she pulls them out!!! So, we gave her bangs a while ago......but I really wanted her hair to be all one we have been growing it is the mangy mess.

So, we went and had it cut yesterday. Cut into a cute little bob.....the place we went, taught me how to do a top pony that won't come out, and is hard for her to pull will keep her bangs out of the way while we are growing them here is the after pic....


Anonymous said...

Nu UH .... she is all grown up looking!

You MUST have a virtual-web-demo on how to do the "top-pony"


Mbdiamond said...

Wow... does she ever look so much older with her new 'do'... our babies are growing into little girls overnight!