The past week has been all Halloween, all the time. This is the first year that Mo has been really aware that this is a special event....you get to dress up AND you get candy. It is a pretty sweet deal (no pun intended). Mo was a funky witch. I made the costume....no sewing, just fabric glue......I think it turned out pretty well. It was comfy, and lasted the whole week.
We started off the festivities with the Monster March last weekend.....a parade through the Sellwood neighborhood. It was fun (crowded)....and Mo had a good time...We marched with friends of ours with their 2 kids, so it was a good time.

Then she had a party at her daycare....another opportunity to dress up and get more candy!
We carved a jack-o-lampern (her term, not mine).....I think it turned out well. We roasted seeds, and Mo really liked those.

For the actual evening of Halloween, Mo really got into knocking on doors and saying trick - or-treat....she kept saying "I tick-or-teet again." She even got so bold as to knock on a few doors by herself.

In this picture, which one looks more excited?
Overall, Halloween 08 was fun, not too crazy.....and so much fun to experience through Mo's little eyes.