Thursday, August 26, 2010

Physical Therapy, Part II

Well, after 2 weeks of physical therapy, I am able to walk on one crutch, and it sort of looks like I am really walking. Before, when I tried, I had this weird, hopping thing going on. But now, it looks smooth, and I look like I am really walking. I do think physical therapy is is restoring my confidence, and I am working those muscles in my foot and getting stronger....

...but the magic elixir has been going to the pool. Just getting in the pool and swimming has loosened up my foot more than anything. I practice walking in waist to chest high water...which is no easy task. I practice standing on both my feet with equal don't think you will forget how your feet work, but you do! So, I am really re-learning how to stand and how to walk....the water is perfect!!!

Also, the big news.......Mama is DRIVING! I have this special shoe that I wear in the car, and I can drive.....I can take Mo to the park....silly to think that I am driving around the corner, but it has opened up a whole new level of freedom for us.

LOVES IT......

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