Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lights, Camera, Action!

Mo's pretend play has taken on a slight "directive" tone. Some might call it bossy.....but we like to think of it as she is flexing her directorial muscles for when she goes to Hollywood!

Lately, her scenario of choice is where she is the baby, I am the mommy, Scout is the mema......and we are trying to figure out what our baby's name is. Mo's dialogue coaching goes something like this....

"Mommy, you the mommy. Mema, you the mema.....and I am your little baby. Mema, you want to name me 'Shabby', but Mommy, you say, 'No, no, no, no....we will name her Mo.' "You ready.....ok, go."

This goes on for HOURS.....and we play it almost every day......every once in a while, I will add a line, or Scout will change the name....and Mo, will give us a sideways look, and say "No...that's not how you do it."

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