I didn't realize how much time had gone by since my last post.....bad mommy! We have been busy. Many, many changes have taken place......in such a good way. But, we are having to adjust a bit. Scout is not working, and is a stay at home mom. It has been wonderful for her to get so much quality time with the Bean. Also, it means that overall we have more time to do stuff as a family. I LOVE IT. We don't spend all our free time taking care of business. Scout has time to take care of most of it during the week. We have been enjoying our family time so much more, so I guess we haven't updated, because we are out enjoying life as much as we can. Plus, Portland is having a super mild winter...which has given us lots of excuses to go to the park, take walks, and do more stuff outside.
We do have lots of photos/news to share.
The Bean is almost 7 months old! Her last doctor's appointment went really well. Since going off the boob, and switching to formula, she has started putting on weight! She was always at the low end of the chart for babies at her age....now she is in the 75%! Just reminds me that making the switch to formula was the right move! She is just under 18 pounds. She is so much more aware, and curious about things around her. She knows her name, and can sit up on her own. She is also rolling....which means baby-proofing needs to happen in the near future!

Isn't she just the cutest! Teething has also started. Nothing too bad, but she is really chewing on everything she can......this is Sophie, her favorite teething toy.

The next couple of pictures are her first time in a swing. Of course, her sissy had to get in on the action.

Mo has gotten so good at riding her bike. She really wants to take it to the skateboard park by our house so she can try the ramps......maybe one day.

So, I have been sewing more....I have started making a bunch of skirts for Mo. Why? For many reasons.....skirts are really the only thing she will wear, plus I can practice a lot of the basic skills that I need to practice....like cutting out fabric (who knew that would be so hard).....here is a skirt I made from one of Scout's old T-shirts...

Mo is not to be outdone.....she also wants to play "fashion." This is a shirt she created with some fabric paint and buttons.

She even makes things for her sister! Matching headbands are all the rage in Paris this season!
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