Wednesday, November 16, 2011

An Updated Bean

I was so excited about her little outfit today, that we had to have a photo shoot! Her legs are almost long enough for leg warmers (almost).....

The bean is doing well, we have had some issues with nursing which has also meant some trouble with sleeping, but I think we have figured it out. The Bean has always been a snacker! She is what the lactation people call a "lazy nurser." She would hang out on the boob, just snacking all day if she could. As a result, in the past few weeks, I am not producing enough milk for her. She isn't demanding enough to make my body produce the milk. So, she has gotten frustrated, and hungry....which has led her to not sleep as well as she was.

So, after a week of pumping all the time....I mean 4-5 times a day, and also trying to pump 10 minutes after she nurses, I feel like we are back on track. The only problem still is she eats better from the bottle. She doesn't have to work so hard at we are bottle feeding her more, which means I have to pump more....which really is just a time suck....20 minutes of pumping, 20 minutes of feeding....and doing that 4-5 times a day.....really cuts down on the amount of time I have.

But the upside is....she is back to her great sleeping self.....what mommies won't do for a full night of sleep!

But, we are trying to figure it all out. I am going back to work soon, and she will be mostly bottle fed at that I guess we are just moving into that a bit earlier than I would have liked....but the bean wants what the bean wants.

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