With Mo, these were our diapers of choice......
Pampers were soft, cute, little, and dealt with all the messy baby business very nicely......we tried other brands (i.e. cheaper brands), but they never worked as well as these. I figured on average we spent $50.00 a month on diapers (more in the beginning, less towards the end)....Mo was in diapers or pull-ups for almost 40 months...so we spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $2,000 for these pooper pampers.
Our friends gifted us 2 months of diaper service to ease us into the cloth diapering thing. They also gave us all their small prefold diapers (pictured above)....are what I think of as 'old-school' diapers. It has the rectangular cloth diaper which you put on the baby with a waterproof cover over it. So far, it is ok......Scout doesn't like it, but it doesn't bother me too much.....
This lovely piece in the photo above is the newest holy grail in the cloth diapering world. An all-in-one. Basically, you put it on like a disposable diaper, but you wash it. The cover and the inside part are all one piece....and they are one size, they have a series of snaps that you can do to adjust to your growing baby. They come in all the fab designs, and colors....and I LOVE THEM!!! They are spendy....to get enough to cover diapering one child, you would need about 18 of them.....$450.00 Still less than the disposables.....but not cheap.....but aren't they the cutest ever!!! I just need little bean to get a bit bigger so they fit her better......
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