So, the last post, I was complaining, thinking about, wondering about when I would go into labor....well, the very next morning my water broke. Here is how it all went down!
I woke up Thursday morning, and could feel a small gush of liquid. My first thought was that I peed in my sleep, but as I got up, I realized that it felt different, and that it was probably my water breaking. I have to admit, I was freaking out a bit. I know, I know, I said I wanted to go into labor naturally, but I just wasn't prepared for it to be THAT day. I came downstairs, and immediately cleaned the kitchen. I just needed some time to wrap my head around the fact that we were about to have a baby.
I still wasn't having contractions, so I called the mid-wife who told me to come on in to the hospital to check to see if indeed my water had broken. We called Aunt Melissa to come over and get Mo, and Scout and I went on in.
Once, we got to the hospital, I was in fact in early labor. They went ahead and kept me, and we walked the halls trying to get the contractions started. Around 2:00, they went ahead and gave me
pitocin to induce contractions. The mid-wife knew that I wasn't crazy about the
pitocin because you are suppose to hooked up to monitors and flat on your back when you are getting the
meds. The mid-wife felt like the baby was doing well enough, that I could spend 15 minutes on the monitors, 15 minutes off. So I could labor the way I wanted to.
I had mild,
manageable contractions for about 4 hours....around 7:00, they really took off. I labored in active labor until around 11:00. At that point, I was 7 cm dilated, and hitting transition. At that point, as the contractions were really hitting me hard, I realized that I am 42 years old, and that at 42, I was in no mood to continue without some drugs! I really wanted an epidural!
I got the epidural around 11:30, and at 1:00 felt the urge to push. By the time, we got all set-up, I pushed about 20 minutes, and our little one was born. A healthy baby and a healthy mama. The perfect combo.
All in all a great birth.