Sunday, July 24, 2011

The new bean

Well, I still have an inside baby......I am due in about 10 days....although, I could go at anytime. When I was pregnant before, I never really had any contractions to speak of. Mo was a week late, and I had to be induced. So, all this action in the tummy region is new to me.

I have a feeling this baby will be born early. I don't know why I think that, but I do. I have been doing all I can to prepare for that. Our bags are packed and in the car.....the nursery is ready (as much as it is going to be)....and all our supplies are out ready for new baby to come.

I am getting excited, but also nervous. I feel like I won't remember how to take care of an itty bitty. I am worried that something will be wrong...or that labor will go wrong. Right now, everything is good, and I would like to stay at this stage for a little while longer. I am not super uncomfortable, so it isn't that bad.......but this baby is coming....and I am excited to meet her, to see what she will look like, what she will be like. It is amazing that another little bean is coming.

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