Lately, Mo has been stalling in getting dressed in the morning. We are on a tight schedule, and it doesn't seem to matter if I wake her up early, lay her clothes out, or anything.......she just doesn't want to put her clothes on when I need her to....I have wrestled with her......threatened..... begged....bribed......nothing seems to work.
This morning, she was running around....she had taken off her
PJs, but was refusing to put clothes on. I gave her 2 warnings......and she just gave me that sly smile (you know the one).......
I picked up her stuff and her and walked out the door.....and yes, she was butt-naked!!!!
I was hoping this would shock her and make an impression.....and it did....she thought this was hysterical. She kept laughing and saying...."I naked!!!"
On the way to school......she kept saying she was cold (I didn't turn up the heat in the car)....I told her too bad she didn't have clothes on...clothes keep you warm. I also mentioned how sad it was going to be that she wouldn't get to go to the park since you have to wear clothes at the park.
When we pulled up to our daycare....I opened her door, fully expecting to have to carry my naked child in.....and Mo looks at me and says.....
"I want my clothes on." She put them on right there in the van.....saving me from that walk of shame.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.......